General Conditions of Sale

Update 25/05/2018

These Conditions of Sale govern the offer and sale of products to the customer through the Site (hereafter the “Site”) owned by Caffè Pe-Fè Srl and are formulated and provided in accordance with the legislative decree of 6 September 2005 no. 2006 (c.d. “Consumer Code”) and with any other rule of law applicable to e-commerce.

You may request additional information via our support services by contacting Customer Service. Furthermore, for any other legal information regarding the use of the Site, please visit the sections: Terms and conditionsPrivacy PolicyCookie, which we invite you to check periodically, as long as their Conditions of Sale, to check for any amendments or updates.


The parties to the contract are:

– Pe-Fè Srl, with registered office at Via Amerina, 1 01028 Orte (VT), reg. no. Viterbo, VAT no. IT01522880564;

-The “Customer”: the end-user, or any natural person purchasing through the Site, with purposes other than their own business;

Caffè Pe-Fè Srl offers its products for sale on the Site and carries out e-commerce activities exclusively vis-à-vis its end-users, whether they are “end-users” as defined above (hereafter the “Customer”). In view of this commercial policy, we therefore reserve the right not to carry out any order from persons other than the User. If you’re not a Customer, we therefore invite you to refrain from completing commercial transactions on the Site.

These Conditions of Sale do not regulate the supply of services or the sale of products from other parties than Caffè Pe-Fè Srl, eventually present on the Site in the form of links, banners or hypertext links. Before ordering and buying products and services from parties other than Caffè Pe-Fè Srl, we invite you to verify their Conditions of Sale, since Caffè Pe-Fè Srl will not be responsible for the provision of services by those parties or for the conclusion of e-commerce transactions between users of the Site and third parties.


Before making purchases through the Site, the Customer declares to have read and understood these Conditions of Sale as well as all the indications provided during the purchase process and the contents of the following sections: Terms of conditionsPrivacy Policy and accept them entirely without any reservation. Caffè Pe-Fè Srl reserves the right to vary the contents of these Conditions of Sale and of the other documents listed above, highlighting them within the Site. We therefore invite you to periodically consult the Site to verify the presence of any updates or changes. Any change will be effective after publication on the Site.

The Conditions of Sale applicable to a purchase will always be those in force at the time the respective order is made.


Caffè Pe-Fè Srl offers for sale on the Site only products marked by trademarks of its own ownership and/ or granted to it under license, or otherwise with the permission of their respective owners. Caffè Pe-Fè Srl does not sell on the Site used or irregular products or products of inferior quality to the corresponding standards offered on the market.

The essential characteristics of the products are presented on the Site within each product sheet. The images and colors of the products offered for sale on the Site may however change and/or not be exactly the same as the real ones due to the effect of the Internet browser and the monitor used.

The products are offered for sale at the price indicated on the Site at the time the relevant Purchase Order is placed (v. infra). Product prices may be subject to changes and variations. We invite you to check the final sale price before submitting the relevant order form confirming your purchase.

The prices indicated on the Site must be understood as inclusive of VAT and, unless expressly indicated, do not include any additional costs for shipping and delivery that, where applicable, are however made known to the Customer through special indications on the Site and specifically referred to during the purchase procedure.


In order to purchase one or more products on the Site, the Customer must fill in and send the respective order form (hereinafter “Purchase Order”) to Caffè Pe-Fè Srl by electronic means, following the instructions progressively provided during the purchase procedure. All the stages of the purchase procedure are clearly described through the pages of the Site and the related texts and graphics.

In the Purchase Order, displayed in its entirety immediately before the conclusion of the contract and in any case before making any payment, summary information about the essential characteristics of each product ordered, the price (including all applicable taxes or charges) and any applicable shipping costs and/or charges are provided.

With the electronic transmission of the Purchase Order, the Customer accepts unconditionally and undertakes to observe in the relations with Caffè Pe-Fè Srl regarding the purchase of the present Conditions of Sale. If you do not agree with some of the terms set out in the Terms of Sale, please do not forward the Purchase Order.

Upon receipt of the Purchase Order, Caffè Pe-Fè Srl will check the availability of the product ordered and at the result of this verification, will send a confirmation of receipt containing the present Conditions of Sale to the customer via email, including the provisions relating to the right of withdrawal, and therefore all the information already contained in the summary of commercial and contractual conditions displayed before proceeding to send the Purchase Order.

The sales contract is deemed concluded and completed when Caffè Pe-Fè Srl sends to the Customer the electronic confirmation of receipt of the Purchase Order completed and transmitted by the customer, after verification of the correctness of the data provided and transmitted.

The Purchase Order will be filed at our database for the period of time necessary to the evasion and in any case not beyond the terms of law.

Caffè Pe-Fè Srl reserves the right not to execute Purchase Orders that are incomplete or incorrect or not consistent with the commercial policy referred to in paragraph 1 of these Conditions of Sale, as well as in case of unavailability of the products ordered. In these cases, we will inform you that the contract has not been concluded and that Caffè Pe-Fè Srl did not follow up the Purchase Order specifying the reasons.

Particularly, if the products presented on the Site are no longer available or on sale at the time of your access to the Site, or at the time of sending the order form, Caffè Pe-Fè Srl will promptly inform you of any unavailability of the Products. In such cases, the contract will not be finalized and, if already concluded for any reason, it will be automatically terminated, and no amount will be charged to you.

Any contractual or non-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or property caused by the non-acceptance of an order for the above reasons is expressly excluded.


Through the service “Book Product”, you can buy any products not available at the time of transmission of the Purchase Order, which Caffè Pe-Fè Srl undertakes to ship once available.

Once you have received the Purchase Order electronically by reservation completed and transmitted by you and after verification of the correctness of the data provided and transmitted, Caffe Pe-Fè Srl will send a communication by e-mail containing information about the availability of the product, shipping and delivery within one day from the conclusion of the procedure. With the dispatch of the aforesaid communication, the contract of purchase will be considered perfected.

For anything not specifically described in this paragraph, these Terms of Sale shall apply.


The products purchased through the Site will be delivered by Caffè Pe-Fè Srl by courier to the address indicated in the Purchase Order within 3 (three) working days from the time of conclusion of the contract. If the products purchased through the Site are limited editions, or the related contract is concluded as part of promotional initiatives, during prize events or temporary initiatives of any nature, Caffè Pe-Fè Srl does not guarantee delivery within the above terms.

In these cases, the delivery period may vary depending on the availability of the product or the characteristics of the promotion. These changes will be communicated by Caffè Pe-Fè Srl on the Site and/or by sending an e-mail or via other means of communication.

In the event that the courier fails to deliver for any reason, he will leave a notice of passage with useful numbers to establish a new delivery date.


The payment for the orders may be made by:

(i) Credit card from the Visa / MasterCard / American Express / CartaSi / Visa Electron / Maestro / Postepay circuit;
(ii) cash on delivery, paying in cash directly in the hands of the courier appointed by Caffè Pe-Fè Srl at the time of delivery of the goods;
(iii) through the PayPal platform, selecting it during the purchase process, you will be redirected to secure PayPal servers where you can complete the payment by debit card, bank account or electronic purse by signing in with your credentials.

If paying by credit card, the financial information (e.g. the credit/debit card number or the date of its expiry) will be forwarded, via encrypted protocol, banks providing the related electronic payment services at a distance, without third parties having access to them in any way. This information, moreover, will never be used by Caffè Pe-Fè Srl except for the purpose of completing the procedures related to your purchase and to issue refunds in case of any returns of products, following exercise of your right of withdrawal, or where it is necessary to prevent or report to the police the commission of fraud through the Site. The price for the purchase of the products and any shipping costs will be charged at the time of shipment of the purchased products.

If paying with PayPal, the actual charge will be made when Caffè Pe-Fè Srl sends the order confirmation email.

Before completing the order, you may request the issuance of a tax invoice as indicated during the purchase procedure. We inform you that it will not be possible to request the issuance of the invoice once the procedure is completed and the relevant Purchase Order sent.

  1. RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL (art. 52 and following Legislative Decree September, 6th 2005 no. 206)

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract by communication to allow the identification of the Customer and the contract, to be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the following address:

Pe-Fè Srl  – Via Amerina,1 – 01028 Orte (VT)

Alternatively, the communication can be sent via email ( within the same deadline.

The withdrawal is effective only if exercised within 30 days from the date of delivery of the products. Caffè Pe-Fè Srl will contact the Customer without delay upon receipt of the notice of withdrawal in order to communicate the address of the place where the products must be returned; the Consumer will then take care of returning the products to Caffè Pe-Fè Srl in compliance with these indications within and no later than the following 14 days. Caffè Pe-Fè Srl, within 14 days after receipt of the notice relating to the withdrawal, will refund in full the amount paid by the customer. The costs of returning the products to Caffè Pe-Fè Srl are borne by the Consumer.

Essential condition for the exercise of the right of withdrawal is the substantial integrity of the products to be returned. For more information about the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the Customer Service of Caffè Pe-Fè Srl can be contacted: via telephone 0761 402751 – via email:


In accordance with the provisions of Title III, Part IV of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (c.d. Consumer Code), Caffè Pe-Fè Srl guarantees that the products purchased on the Site are free of defects for a period of two years from the date of delivery, without prejudice to all rights and remedies due to the consumer in application of the rules of the Consumer Code, including the right to restoration without charge by repair or replacement and, in the alternative, the other remedies provided by art. 130 of the Consumer Code. “Defect” means a significant limitation or reduction of the suitability for use of the product in accordance with art. 129 of the Consumer Code. All defects resulting from negligent or improper use of the product are not covered by this warranty. The defective product, if still covered by warranty, must be sent to the service center together with a copy of the appropriate documentation to certify the purchase and the delivery date. For any further information, please contact the Customer Service.

  1. WITHDRAWAL OF EQUIVALENT TYPE USED PRODUCT (art. 22 Legislative Decree 49/2014)

In compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 14 March 2014, n. 49, Caffè Pe-Fè Srl, against the supply to a household of a new electrical and electronic equipment (AEE) produced by Caffè Pe-Fè Srl, following an order made by the consumer with any technique of distance communication, offers the withdrawal free of charge, one against one, of the electrical and electronic equipment used to be given as waste, provided it is of a type equivalent to the newly supplied equipment (equivalent WEEE). The collection of the equivalent WEEE will be carried out by Caffè Pe-Fè Srl at the place of delivery of the new product and will take place following the delivery of the latter. In order to take advantage of the free collection of the equivalent WEEE, the Consumer must communicate his will when ordering the new product, by contacting the Customer Service of Caffè Pe-Fè Srl via: Telephone: +39 0761 402751 E-mail: The quantity of equivalent WEEE withdrawn shall not exceed the quantity of similar products purchased. Caffè Pe-Fè Srl, verified the existence of the request and the supply order of the new WEEE, will manage the withdrawal of equivalent WEEE within 30 days from the date of the order, using authorized suppliers who will contact the Consumer to agree on the withdrawal date. At the agreed date, the Consumer must ensure that the equivalent WEEE is already ready for collection (disconnected from the current, cleaned, etc.). Withdrawal may be refused if there is a risk of contamination of the staff responsible for the same withdrawal or if it is clear that equivalent WEEE does not contain its essential components or contains waste other than WEEE. We remind you of the possibility for the Consumer to give in any case all the WEEE at the ecological islands present in his Municipality. Very small WEEE (external dimensions of less than 25 cm) may also be delivered free of charge, even without purchasing a new product of an equivalent type, at specialized sales outlets with an area of at least 400 square meters for electrical and electronic equipment and at other sales outlets which have voluntarily activated this service. 


You can obtain information on how we process your personal data by accessing the Privacy Policy that we invite you to check periodically, as these Conditions of Sale, to verify the presence of any updates or amendments.

For any other condition related to the use of the Site, please also read, if you have not yet done so, our Terms of Use and Cookie, that we invite you to check periodically, as these Conditions of Sale, to verify the presence of any updates or amendments.


For any information or complaint, please contact the Caffè Pe-Fè Srl Customer Service:

Telephone: 0761 402751



The Conditions of Sale are governed by the Italian law and in particular by Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005 (c.d. Consumer Code), with specific reference to the legislation on distance contracts and Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003 on certain aspects relating to trade.

Jurisdiction for the resolution of any dispute will be the one provided for by the Italian legislation in force at the time of the conclusion of the contract. The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which you can access via this link: If you would like to bring an issue to our attention, please contact us via email at If you would like to bring an issue to our attention, please contact us via email at:

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /web/htdocs/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /web/htdocs/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /web/htdocs/ on line 6085